Project Wild Thing – Reconnecting Children with Nature

When Was the Last Time You Kissed a Frog?

Filmmaker David Bond is a worried man. His kids’ waking hours are dominated by a cacophony of marketing, and a screen dependence threatening to turn them into glassy-eyed zombies. Like city kids everywhere, they spend way too much time indoors – not like it was back in his day. Click more below to view these compelling videos.

He decides it’s time to get back to nature – literally.

“This film will change your life”Patrick Barkham, The Guardian

This is one of the most powerful and compelling films I’ve seen for some time . The messages that David includes are the every same we keep banging the drum about when trying to convince the powers that be the outdoors and engagement with it is one of the most powerful and life changing experiences people can have no matter what their age. watch the Videos and make your own mind up!

Why Do Children Need to Play?

The Science of Nature

Childhood in the UK

The Risk of Playing Outdoors

What Kids Need is Free

The Nature Confessional

Is It Possible to market nature Like Disney and Hello Kitty?

For more information visit the Project Wild Thing website