A Reflection on Kingswood’s Closure: The Importance of Outdoor Residentials for Children

We were saddened to hear about the closure of Kingswood, an organisation that has been delivering outdoor residential programmes for children across the UK for over 40 year. Their team worked hard to provide enriching experiences for young people, and we acknowledge their contributions to the sector.

The closure of Kingswood is a reminder of the financial challenges facing organisations in this sector. Rising operational costs, coupled with increasing financial pressures on families, have made it harder for outdoor centres to keep their activities accessible and affordable to schools. The difficult decision to close is a testament to how challenging this market has become.

The Value of Outdoor Experiences for Children

Despite these challenges, the value of outdoor residential experiences has never been more critical. In a world where screen time dominates, opportunities to connect with nature and engage in face-to-face teamwork are increasingly rare but deeply needed. Here’s why these experiences are so important:

  1. Building Mental Resilience: Outdoor activities often push children to overcome fears and tackle challenges, from climbing high ropes to spending a night away from home. These moments help build mental resilience, teaching young people that they are capable of more than they realise.
  2. Improving Communication Skills: As children navigate team challenges, they learn to communicate effectively, listen to others, and work collaboratively. These essential life skills are difficult to foster in the virtual world but come naturally in the shared environment of an outdoor residential.
  3. Boosting Mental Health: Time spent in nature has been proven to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall well-being. Outdoor residentials provide a break from the pressures of modern life, offering children a chance to reset and recharge in the beauty of the natural world.
  4. Creating Lasting Memories: Beyond the skill-building and personal development, outdoor residentials are simply great fun. They offer children a chance to make lifelong memories, try new activities, and form bonds with their peers that can last a lifetime.

A Challenging but Vital Mission

The closure of Kingswood highlights the fragility of this sector but also underscores its importance. At Call of the Wild, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing high-quality outdoor development experiences for young people. We believe that these opportunities are not luxuries but necessities, crucial to the development of the next generation.

However, we know that to ensure the longevity of outdoor residential programmes, we need collective action. This includes:

  • Advocating for Funding: Whether from government, charities, or private organisations, increased funding is essential to make these experiences accessible to all children, regardless of their family’s financial situation.
  • Innovating to Reduce Costs: Exploring creative solutions to keep overheads low without compromising the quality of activities is vital for the survival of outdoor centres.
  • Educating Families and Schools: Raising awareness about the benefits of outdoor development residentials can help more parents and educators prioritise these experiences for their children.

A Tribute to Kingswood’s Legacy

While Kingswood’s closure is a loss for the sector, its legacy will continue to inspire. To every staff member who worked to make children’s outdoor adventures possible, we thank you. Your passion and dedication have enriched lives and laid the foundation for countless stories of growth, courage, and discovery.

At Call of the Wild, we pledge to honour that legacy by continuing to champion the power of the outdoors. Together, we can ensure that more children experience the fun, adventure, and life-changing impact of time spent in nature.

Call of the Wild: School Residentials 


Related: The Impact of a Residential Experience